
Her birth date is 29 March 1985 in Roswell in New Mexico. Gerina Michelle Mendoza was her name. Gerina Stevenson, the child of Mexican parents Rita Stevenson and Alan Stevenson. Stevenson is American and is of Mexican American heritage. From a young age, her desire to be involved in sports was evident. Gerina first started golfing at the age of 15. Gerina graduated from Goddard High School. She was the winner of at the New Mexico State Golf Tournament in her high school years. A volleyball player, she also competed in state competitions. The year 2003 was the time she enrolled at the University of Texas. Her senior year was a success. she was a winner in each tournament in which she took part in. While in her undergrad seasons, she won as the conference's best player of season and UTEP's Female Athletic of Year.

Gerina-Piller Gerina-Piller Gerina-Piller Gerina-Piller Gerina-Piller Gerina-Piller Gerina-Piller


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